
Fluctuating College Drinking Habits Due to COVID-19

About half of the current college students in the U.S. drink alcohol and about one-third of those students binge drink. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, binge drinking puts students at an increased risk of contracting and spreading the coronavirus.


How Online Textbooks Are Driving A Decline In Student Spending

College students have often struggled to afford or access textbooks and are now transitioning to using online course materials due to the spread of COVID-19. But there is now a combination of affordable options, such as open-source materials and low-cost publisher-provided materials available!


Joselin Mane Discusses the importance of the #ScholarStrike

Language is a determining factor in certain conversations. Phrases commonly used in the past are not considered appropriate in today’s world. Phrases such as “hanging in there” should no longer be used, because it is recognized as meaning that the person is holding on to life, because of suicidal thoughts, terminal illness, etc.  The phrase […]