Every article The Wheaton Wire has published.
Following concerns expressed by students, Dean of Students Zachary Irish and Director of Counseling & Health Services Valeria Tobia announced today that they plan to…
My experience from studying abroad for a year in two different countries: As I’m getting ready to go back to the United States and face…
The newfound Wheaton parody play, “A GATRA Named Desire,” debuted in the Lyon’s Den this past Thursday. The reading caused the Den to reach maximum…
A recent debate with one of my friends challenged my own conceptions on patriotism. Patriotism, if we refer ourselves to a more dictionary definition, is…
It has certainly been a year about blackness*. Whether people are discussing the dehumanization of the black body in America or the rise of the…
As the year winds down and graduating seniors begin to make plans for their lives after Wheaton, some of those seniors are planning to use…
Especially today, the media plays a prominent role in US politics, and never is it more prevalent than during an election year. In order to…
Since 1983, the Violence Against Women sociology/ anthropology/ women’s studies course has coordinated the annual Violence Against Women Symposium. This year, the weeklong event beginning…
‘Is religion dead at Wheaton?’ asked the headline of the Wire on November 9, 2005 on the day that Vereene Parnell, associate dean of Service,…
‘Mingle with speakers of different tongues, test the new comfy chairs and taste delicious food from different places’ said an email invitation sent out to…
With strums on a pastel purple ukulele named Carrie came the voice of Christina Smith ’19, who sang Sara Bareilles’ “She Used to Be Mine”…
Currently on display in the Beard Gallery is Muse of Form – 2016 Studio Art Major’ Exhibition. With the year coming to an end and…
The Dimple was set up with a registration area, paper bag lanterns and different activities as Wheaton College’s Colleges Against Cancer (CAC) club hosted its…
On April 8, 2016, The Lumineer’s second studio album titled ‘Cleopatra’ was released to the eager ears of waiting fans worldwide. The album comes four…
Sameena Mulla, Assistant Professor of Anthropology at Marquette University, visited Wheaton to talk about her book, “The Violence of Care: Rape Victims, Forensic Nurses and…
Next semester, the Wheaton College theme house community will welcome two new theme houses onto campus. The first, House of REPS (Residents Engaged in Political…