Wire Article Archive

Every article The Wheaton Wire has published.

In heated SGA election, Hilton is victorious

wheatonwireMar 3, 2015
In heated SGA election, Hilton is victorious

In a heated three-way Student Government Association (SGA) Presidential race, Sarah Hilton ’16 emerged victorious last Thursday, overtaking candidates Michael Ratliff ’16 and Adam Kilduff…

Happening Hour – A New Way to Network

wheatonwireMar 1, 2015
Happening Hour – A New Way to Network

This Wednesday, March 4th from 5 to 6:30 p.m. at the Loft, Molly Galler ’06 will speak at the new event series Happening Hour on…

Wheaton alum ranked among top 50 state political reporters

wheatonwireFeb 24, 2015

Ted Nesi ’07 recently joined Wheaton’s English Department to teach ENG 285: Journalism. What is someone who majored in Political Science doing in the English…

The Dimple Divers shake things up

wheatonwireFeb 24, 2015

Love and improv comedy were in the air on the night of Feb. 12, as the Dimple Divers embarked on a quest to find the…

A Valentine’s pageant

wheatonwireFeb 24, 2015

The chapel was the place to be on Valentine’s Day as students gathered to witness the crowning of this year’s Mr. Wheaton. The chapel was…

Pen pal program with area students hampered by lack of funds

wheatonwireFeb 24, 2015

The students of Wheaton College may soon have an opportunity to make a positive impact in the greater community. This impact will be implemented in…

Fahoum ’18: What has become of #SOSVenezuela?

wheatonwireFeb 24, 2015

Last year the world watched as Venezuela’s socialist government seemed to teeter in March as a result of the student-led anti-government protests. The government sent…

Letter from the Editor

wheatonwireFeb 24, 2015

Readers, As we noted in the Wire several weeks ago, Wheaton has begun a new strategic planning process to solidify its goals for the next…

Wheaton to promote new standards of inclusion and diversity

wheatonwireFeb 24, 2015

Wheaton has recently made great changes regarding its approach to fostering diversity and tolerance throughout the college. The new initiative and council is called CID…

Oh you fancy, huh? Music Co-Op’s “Fanciest Show”

wheatonwireFeb 24, 2015

Despite freezing temperatures, Wheaton students crowded into Mary Lyon last Friday night dressed in formal attire for The Fanciest Show. Featuring a variety of bands…

Provost announces make-up dates for canceled classes

wheatonwireFeb 24, 2015

On Feb. 17, Provost Linda Eisenmann stated via email that snowstorms had caused the college to cancel classes on two Mondays, a Tuesday and a…

Countdown to interdisciplinary theatre production of ‘What Happens When’

wheatonwireFeb 24, 2015

The Theatre Department’s main stage production, ‘What Happens When’ will open on April 9. The play is only one of the components of a grant…

Education major preps students for teaching post-Wheaton

wheatonwireFeb 24, 2015

The education minor was infamous at Wheaton for being one of the most rigorous minors to complete. At the start of this year, it was…

Wheaton Synchronized Swimming continues to rank amongst the best swimming programs in the nation

wheatonwireFeb 24, 2015

One of the most elite collegiate synchronized swimming programs in the country, the Wheaton Synchronized Swimming team, recently placed first against Boston University and Smith…

Wheaton hosts first batch of Bhutanese exchange students

wheatonwireFeb 24, 2015

On Feb. 6, after traveling thousands of miles, five students from Bhutan arrived at Wheaton for a two-week exchange program. Since 2009, Wheaton has been…

Roque ’17: “Meninism” seeks attention, not equality

wheatonwireFeb 24, 2015

Recently, there has been major debate regarding the word “feminism.” For some, the word is a source of empowerment, yet others find it annoying in…