Wire Article Archive

Every article The Wheaton Wire has published.

Norton flush makes Wheaton water “look like coffee”

wheatonwireSep 16, 2015
Norton flush makes Wheaton water “look like coffee”

Wheaton students learned firsthand this morning that the effects of Norton’s hydrant flush have finally made their yearly appearance on campus. From deep coffee browns…

Ask Audrey – Norton water flush?

wheatonwireSep 15, 2015
Ask Audrey – Norton water flush?

Q: “Dear Audrey, How do you recommend dealing with the Norton flush? Thanks, Anonymous” A: Dear Anonymous, The hydrant flush is a drag, but that doesn’t…

Abroad Blog #1: Sam Hickson ’17; Spain

wheatonwireSep 15, 2015
Abroad Blog #1: Sam Hickson ’17; Spain

The biggest, fattest “¿¿hola, qué tal??” from Granada, Spain! I have been in Granada, Spain for my semester abroad for a total of two weeks…

Senior softball players cherish the “Brothahood” as their season approaches

wheatonwireSep 15, 2015
Senior softball players cherish the “Brothahood” as their season approaches

                              It has been exactly three months today since the passing…

Students on campus celebrate Rosh Hashanah this weekend

wheatonwireSep 13, 2015

The Jewish holiday of Rosh Hashanah took place today and the Jewish community of Wheaton has planned some unifying services to help celebrate the Jewish…

Wheaton participates in the National Day of Service and Remembrance

wheatonwireSep 13, 2015
Wheaton participates in the National Day of Service and Remembrance

On Friday, Sept. 11 and Saturday, Sept. 12, members of the Wheaton Community participated in the National Day of Service and Remembrance by volunteering at…

“Words that hurt” posters don’t address the problem at hand

wheatonwireSep 11, 2015

   Within the past week, the flyers found on doors in Meadows West have caused the topic of hate crime to be an important conversation…

Lexomics Research Group receives third grant for summer research

wheatonwireApr 29, 2015

The Lexomics Research Group at Wheaton has received its third grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities. This year’s grant totals $60,000 and will…

Education Council brings back Flash Seminars

wheatonwireApr 29, 2015

With Wheaton having more than 150 faculty members teaching a variety of courses, it is impossible to take every one that seems appealing. With this…

Trebisacci of Global Ed leaves lasting impact on students

wheatonwireApr 29, 2015

If you’ve been to the Center for Global Education at any time in the last two and a half years, you’ve met Ashley Trebisacci. She’s…

The Wire’s 10 Tips For Surviving Finals Week

wheatonwireApr 29, 2015
The Wire’s 10 Tips For Surviving Finals Week

1. Create a To-Do List. Burn it after you see the amount of work left to do. 2. Visit Professors During Office Hours. Ask them…

Renowned chef and writer Jay Weinstein visits campus to promote sustainability

wheatonwireApr 29, 2015

On Monday April 20th, just two days before Earth Day, the Students Engaged in Green Activism (SEGA) hosted a talk on sustainable food and the…

McDonald ’17: Album suggestions to get you hyped for summer fun

wheatonwireApr 29, 2015

The Beach Boys – Greatest Hits What’s summer without The Beach Boys? This album, released in 2012, is a compilation of hits from The Beach…

Sollner: Heimatgefühl (a sense of home)

wheatonwireApr 29, 2015

On the news that I would be going to Wheaton, my best friends’ dad Rudi Bernklau sent me a Bee Gees song and some wise…

Letter from the Editor

wheatonwireApr 29, 2015

Readers, Let me just get this out of the way: this is the year’s last issue of The Wheaton Wire. Consequently, it is also my…

Men’s lacrosse looks to compete in first NEWMAC champs

wheatonwireApr 29, 2015

After a tremendous 9-3 start, the Lyons find themselves with a 10-6 overall record and a 4-3 record in conference action. In recent competitions, a…