
Don’t Panic: a new kind of advice column

What’s a good (cheap) first date that I can take my crush on? As you’ve probably gathered on your own (based on your parenthetical aside), good and cheap are not mutually exclusive. While I could be glib and recommend a romantic weeknight dinner at Chase on the Water, reader, I want to help you out. […]


Study Abroad Fair highlights student experiences

Each year, the Center of Global Education holds a Study Abroad Fair to showcase more than 70 study abroad programs that Wheaton and its partner programs have to offer. On Sept. 18, in the Balfour Hood Center, prospective study abroad students had the opportunity to speak with Wheaton-affiliated program representatives and also with peers who […]

From the Editor

From the editor Week 2

A busy week. Nearly too busy. The Class of 2016, adjusting to their new roles as seniors, have been hit like a sledgehammer. Classes are harder than ever, and theses are being written at scratched wooden desks in dark corners of the library, at all hours of the night. Ironically, the year in which the […]


Rest in peace, Cowduck

The recent passing of a beloved Wheaton figure has called to light many rumors that have been circulating the campus for years. Have there been multiple cow-ducks? If so, have the deceased cow-ducks been placed in the Science Center? Is there a farm nearby that sells cow-ducks in stock? How long do cow-ducks live, anyway? […]


Trebisacci of Global Ed leaves lasting impact on students

If you’ve been to the Center for Global Education at any time in the last two and a half years, you’ve met Ashley Trebisacci. She’s soft-spoken, incredibly bubbly, clever beyond her years, and for some inexplicable reason, always knows exactly what to do when it feels like the world is ending. Having only started at […]

From the Editor

Letter from the Editor

Readers, Let me just get this out of the way: this is the year’s last issue of The Wheaton Wire. Consequently, it is also my last issue of the Wire and also my last letter from the editor. It has been a thrilling year for me as the Wire Editor-in-Chief, and though I am sorry […]


New Brown/Wheaton Fellows join the Wheaton community

There are many people who say they don’t want to be taught by students, no matter how educated the students are. When it comes to classes taught by instructors from the Brown/Wheaton Faculty Fellows Program, there should be no complaining. Not only are these instructors highly qualified; they went through a selective application process, and […]


The independent major: a rewarding experience, yet unrecognized

During Admissions Events, one of the topics that always arises is Wheaton’s array of more than 40 majors and 50 minors. Among those is the option to have an Independent major, in which students work with various faculty members in order to structure a major that combines courses from two or more departments. Yet despite […]


Education majors learn from teaching

While every student has a major, not everyone knows what they want to do with it. But for most Education majors, the answer is simple: they will teach. The Education major, though currently the newest major on campus, is an important one. It provides students with the ability to get licensure to teach when they […]

From the Editor

Letter from the Editor

Readers, Last week, the Wire dipped its toes in the waters of campus programming for the first time in (recent) memory. I was delighted to see nearly 50 people in Ellison Lecture last Wednesday, at which we hosted veteran journalists Bill Kole and Ted Nesi for a panel on contemporary dilemmas in the news media. […]