The Wheaton Wire

The Bi-Weekly Wire of Wheaton College. Find the latest print issues in Balfour Hood, Chase, The Madeleine Clark Wallace Library, and more!

Issue #6 April 4th, 2024 Volume LVI

Class council speech night a success

This semester’s Student Government Association (SGA) Speech Night for class councils started off with SGA Vice-President Floriane Borel at the podium in the Balfour Hood atrium addressing a handful of spectators and most of the…

Wheaton Credit Requirements and the Struggle to Stay Relevant

As with many liberal arts colleges, Wheaton claims a specific pride of allowing its students “expand their horizons” and limit course requirements in order to fulfill intensive major and minor requirements. This was something that I had taken completely to heart.…

After a successful run as a competitor, Spence transitions to coach

Wheaton College, 6:30 am—The smell of chlorine permeates the air as you arrive in the Evelyn Danzig Haas Athletic Center. As you approach the balcony and look down at the brightly lit track below, the sound of Ellie Goulding’s “Burn” is…

Talent on Display: Wheaton’s Gallery Director does it all

She is an artist, a carpenter, an administrator, a writer, and a teacher. Michele L’Heureux does all of these things as the Gallery Director of the Wheaton Beard and Weil Galleries. Her skill set is perfect for a job that she…

The new Chase, Emerson, Cafe

Anyone who regularly eats at Chase and Emerson, which is most of the student body, knows the plight of on-campus cuisine. We’ve all complained, or at least have heard our friends complain, about the limited choices, or the problematic dining hours…

#prezHANNO and Hanno himself

If you were to go online and search Dennis Hanno, Wheaton’s president-elect, there would be a number of articles describing the wonderful things he has done for Babson College. If you dug a little more, you would unearth an old Facebook…

Trio of authors visit Wheaton for reading and discussion

The Creative Writing Program is at it again, having hosted yet another successful Readings by the Writers event last week. Sponsored by the Evelyn Danzig Haas ’39 Visiting Artists Program, the event held a focus on contemporary African American writing over…

Flourishing German Department hosts German Consul General

On Wednesday, March 26, Wheaton hosted Rolf Schütte, the German Consul General for the New England States, to discuss the growing role of Germany in both the European Union, as well as the international community. The event had to be relocated…

In the spotlight: Sex Week 2014

In the Balfour Hood café, students are standing behind a table handing out free condoms and pamphlets on sexual health. “It’s sex week!” they say as you walk by. What exactly is sex week? It’s not what you may think. Twice…

Kowal ’16: Athletics enrich the Wheaton experience, not hinder it

There we were at 5:00 am, groggy, hungry, and cold. We all met at Peacock Pond before the sun had come up to get the waters and equipment ready before our departure for lacrosse practice, because as every athlete knows, early…