Chase dining has done a moderately good job listening to student feedback in order to improve over the course of this semester. One overpowering critique of Chase dining that seems to be picking up is of the changes that occur every weekend.
Chase dining seems to have a considerable decline in options during the weekend, something that has caught student attention. Executive member of SGA Michael Ratliff ’16 commented on this as he said, “They cut down on the offerings, that’s hard to argue [against].” This cutting down consists of ice cream stations being often shut down, the burrito bar being absent and one soup being offered rather than two. While it may make economical sense to cut down on food options when less people are on campus, it might not be a proportionate measure.
Another complain is that students often find that breakfast is served far past the afternoon, which can be troublesome if the food has been sitting since the morning. Additionally, syrupy warm food is not always a viable lunch option. Even when there are lunch options, the weekend food does not provide a substantial variety. “They tend to use recipes that are too similar. They will serve pastas while also having pasta in the stir fry station,” said Ratliff.
The weekend is usually a time for relaxation, which implies for many students eating a lot of food. As Emerson closes for renovations, further reliance is put on Chase. Students will either have to push back against some of the flaws of Chase dining to influence change (as they did earlier on in the year) or simply cope with the poor weekend recipes.