James Garrity’s job involves flipping, singing and dancing. Is he a circus performer? No. Professional gymnast? Nope. Acrobat? Guess again. Widely praised by his patrons as the best barista in New England, “Jay,” 42, of North Attleboro, Mass., can be found tossing cups into the air, pouring coffee without looking, singing to the radio and […]
Author: wheatonwire
Wheaton Confessions, Wheat Confess and Wheaton Crushes – what will be next? Why do we need to have groups on Facebook that define who we are? Is Facebook really an appropriate place to do this? Especially in today’s society, people are hiding more and more behind their technology. What does anyone have to gain from […]
As we approach the summer months, many of us make plans to secure jobs and internships with which to occupy ourselves for the few months following the end of the semester. In some cases, these plans are philanthropic in nature and are exceptional opportunities to bring about change in less fortunate areas of the world. […]
The future of the liberal arts has become a popular discussion recently. The rising cost of tuition, combined with decreasing family income, has forced many to put an emphasis on the “value” of a college degree: making sure that students get the most for what they are paying for. Others have pointed to the significant […]
Wheaton to pilot summer academic session
Wheaton will introduce an intensive four-week summer session this year, open for enrollment to all Wheaton students, according to a recent campus-wide email from Associate Provost and Professor of Psychology Gail Sahar. The college will be offering four classes, in addition to one brand-new online class: Intensive Review of Basic Spanish, Statistics, Religion and Sexuality […]
This week, I’m going to give most of this space to Darrell Legace ’02, who wrote a letter to the editor last week. Mr. Legace wrote: “I just wanted to write and say that it is nice to see how the Wheaton Wire has grown and improved since I was a student and section editor. […]
Update 8:44 p.m. – Assistant News Editor Joanna Bouras wrote in a Facebook message: “A girl from a science class got mercury on her person and was washing it off in the bathroom.” Update 8:41 p.m. – Director of Public Safety Charles Furgal wrote in an email: “A student who lives in Meadows was exposed […]

On April 11, noted economist and scholar Jeffrey Miron will lead a group discussion about the state of America’s controversial War on Drugs. The talk, titled “Problems with Prohibition,” will take place in Mary Lyon Hall at 4:30 p.m. Sponsored by the Wheaton College Libertarian League, Miron’s discussion will begin with a lecture about the […]
Club Tennis relishes first ever tournament
On March 23, the Wheaton Club Tennis team went to Harvard University for a USTA (United States Tennis Association) tennis tournament. This was the first time the Wheaton Club Tennis team went to an off-campus tournament, and it was a unique experience for all players involved. Although the team did not take home the grand […]
In MLB, the kids are more than all-right
A strange, yet exciting phenomenon has swept Major League Baseball over the past few years. Suddenly, the superstars I grew up worshiping are aging, becoming little more than role players. Some have even retired and begun broadcasting (looking at you, Nomar). However, as strange as it is watching your childhood heroes falling off in terms […]