Abby Cook ’22 is running for Vice President of SGA for the Academic Year 2021-2022
Abby Cook’s Dear Wheaton

Abby Cook ’22 is running for Vice President of SGA for the Academic Year 2021-2022
Mikaela Savarese ’22 is running for President of SGA for the Academic Year 2021-2022
Payce Shepard ’22 is running for Vice President of SGA for the Academic Year 2021-2022
Next Month, Norton residents will be voting in the annual town election. The election, scheduled for April 10, will determine who will replace Brad Bramwell, a member on town’s select board. Bramwell, who could have sought a fifth term, announced last month that he would not seek re-election, drawing a three way race for his […]
A third stimulus check is in the works. Having passed through the House on Saturday, all that remains for the $1.9 trillion dollar Covid relief package is for the Senate to pass it. If this passes, many adults across the US could receive payments. Under the current proposal, those making up to $75,000 a year […]
The governors of both Texas and Mississippi have announced that their states will dissolve their mask mandates. Both governors cited increased vaccinations and reduced hospitalizations as reasons for the dissolution of the mandate. With the resindication of the mask mandate in Texas, Gov. Greg Abbott also stated “all businesses of any type are allowed to […]
2. Francisco Lindor finally escaped Cleveland, leaving Jose Ramirez to fend for himself against the cheapest MLB owner. Lindor has long been one of the league’s most electric players and we hope to see that energy amplified when he plays for a team that actually cares for him. 3. Trevor Story is objectively the best […]
Following concerns expressed by students, Dean of Students Zachary Irish and Director of Counseling & Health Services Valeria Tobia announced today that they plan to make the EverFi mental health module optional, rather than mandatory as first announced.
My experience from studying abroad for a year in two different countries: As I’m getting ready to go back to the United States and face responsibilities such as applying for law school, working a job, applying for fellowships, and seeing myself in the near future where I no longer will be in college, I am […]
The newfound Wheaton parody play, “A GATRA Named Desire,” debuted in the Lyon’s Den this past Thursday. The reading caused the Den to reach maximum capacity and ran for approximately 40 minutes. The play was co-written by Emily Bergmann ’16 and Audrey Dubois ’17. Bergmann took initiative in writing the play two years ago when […]