If you love StumbleUpon and Tumblr, you’ll love Pinterest, a new social photo sharing website. Like the popular website Stumble Upon, Pinterest lets the user enter their interests upon creating an account, which allows them to view pictures and videos that are related to those interests. The user can then follow another user, like their posts, or “repin” a post, adding it to their own page.

Pinterest allows the user to make different boards on their profile under which to file their posts. This is where the site differs from Tumblr and StumbleUpon and makes it unique. Every post can be organized into a desired category that is easily accessible on the profile. So if the user has the desire to look at some pictures of cats that they have posted, they can just click on that category in their profile, instead of having to scroll through all their posts. In addition, the user can browse through a variety of different categories separate from the profiles they follow. The topics range from art to food to science to humor and more.
The great thing about Pinterest is that almost anyone can make use of it, whatever his or her interests may be. The site is a great place to get inspiration, especially for artists or designers, because of the ability the site gives users to add things they like to their pinboards for future reference. It is also a great place to find DIY crafts or food recipes, beauty ideas, and inspiration for events, such as a wedding. Besides that, Pinterest is filled with tons of interesting pictures and videos, making it great for those who just want a fun site that they can waste time on.