
Round 2 of Student Government Association (SGA) speeches educates voters on candidates

On April 7th at 6:00 p.m. in the Mary Lyon room, Round 2 of SGA speeches began. First to speak were those running for SGA Senate and began with freshman Kweku Ampem-Darko, running for Senator at Large. In his time here, Ampem-Darko says that he has “grown as an individual and as a member of […]


Public Safety Log 3/31/2014 through 4/7/2014

The Public Safety Log from 3/31/2014 through 4/7/2014, courtesy of Charles Furgal, Director of Public Safety, can be found here: 03.31_04.07.14


New species literally goes out with a bang

How long have humans been around on Earth? We set up camp on this planet a while ago, and we’ve evolved and grown alongside all kinds of critters and wildlife. But no matter how long we’ve been around, we still keep discovering new species that were somehow overlooked. And the most recent one is a […]


Wheaton College Better Together: Community as Classroom – Learning from Each Other (Advertisement)

Learn more here: BetterTogetherFestivalAd


Class council speech night a success

This semester’s Student Government Association (SGA) Speech Night for class councils started off with SGA Vice-President Floriane Borel at the podium in the Balfour Hood atrium addressing a handful of spectators and most of the class council members. Richard Jenkins, candidate for class president of 2015, was first to speak. This is his last re-election. […]


After a successful run as a competitor, Spence transitions to coach

Wheaton College, 6:30 am—The smell of chlorine permeates the air as you arrive in the Evelyn Danzig Haas Athletic Center. As you approach the balcony and look down at the brightly lit track below, the sound of Ellie Goulding’s “Burn” is clearly audible. There are runners running, throwers throwing, and jumpers jumping, while more athletes […]


The new Chase, Emerson, Cafe

Anyone who regularly eats at Chase and Emerson, which is most of the student body, knows the plight of on-campus cuisine. We’ve all complained, or at least have heard our friends complain, about the limited choices, or the problematic dining hours or the overall blandness of the dining experience. We accept this because this is […]


Trio of authors visit Wheaton for reading and discussion

The Creative Writing Program is at it again, having hosted yet another successful Readings by the Writers event last week. Sponsored by the Evelyn Danzig Haas ’39 Visiting Artists Program, the event held a focus on contemporary African American writing over a two-day symposium. The initial readings by the writers on Tuesday evening yielded a […]


Flourishing German Department hosts German Consul General

On Wednesday, March 26, Wheaton hosted Rolf Schütte, the German Consul General for the New England States, to discuss the growing role of Germany in both the European Union, as well as the international community. The event had to be relocated to the Holman Room in Mary Lyon after the May Room reached well beyond […]


In the spotlight: Sex Week 2014

In the Balfour Hood café, students are standing behind a table handing out free condoms and pamphlets on sexual health. “It’s sex week!” they say as you walk by. What exactly is sex week? It’s not what you may think. Twice a year, Wheaton’s Sexual Health Advocates Group (SHAG), dedicates a week to educating students […]