Just after Wheaton returned from a short but restful October break, students were greeted by a lengthy email from Dean Kate McCaffrey and Vice President Brian Douglas, discussing the plan to “turn the dining experience into one of the strengths of Wheaton”. McCaffrey and Douglas described a multi-phase project that included a trio of renovations […]
Category: Features
Although going to school in small-town Norton, MA has its benefits, many students take the opportunity to leave the Wheaton bubble and study abroad for a semester or two. Ryan Barrette ’15, Caitlin Claflin ’15 and Schuyler Evans ’15 all took different advantages of Wheaton’s study abroad program. Barrette’s first experience was a shorter one, […]
Letter from the Editor
Readers, Welcome to the spring semester, where the days get warmer! That said, here’s hoping you’ve all dug yourself, your car, your illicit pets, and any other belongings of yours out of the massive amount of snow we’ve been receiving. My article this week on the operations of essential staff at Wheaton during blizzards and […]
Wheaton College Professor of English, Beverly Lyon Clark, has recently published The Afterlife of Little Women, a literary critique of the novel Little Women by Louisa May Alcott. Written in the late 1860s, Little Women is a coming-of-age story about four sisters and their journey from childhood to womanhood. Professor Clark’s book is a reception […]
As a liberal arts school, it’s no secret that Wheaton’s campus is full of passionate and involved students who work alongside administration and faculty to make Wheaton a better place. Cassie Peltola ’14, after graduating from Wheaton this past spring, has taken her passion for higher education and Wheaton a step further by accepting a […]
Readers, Well, here it is: the Wire’s last issue of the fall semester. I’ve no idea how it happened, but December is upon us and final exams are fast approaching. I promised at the beginning of the year that you wouldn’t get any “personal-style” letters from me from then on. I may have lied just […]

The inauguration of Wheaton College President Dennis M. Hanno on Oct. 17 bore the theme “Changing Lives, Strengthening Communities.” As part of the new Wheaton Cares initiative, Hanno reminded the Wheaton community to utilize campus resources such as the Office of Service, Spirituality, and Social Responsibility (SSSR) and commit 15 hours or more to community […]
Education takes a major step
The Wheaton College Education Department took a big step last year: its longstanding minor was finally approved as one of the college’s academic majors, and the inaugural class of Wheaton Education majors walked across the graduation stage on May 17. There has been no change in class requirements or the curriculum, according to Mary Lee […]
Located deep in the bowels of Wallace Library, Wheaton Technology Support is the college’s oasis for the technologically downtrodden. Though it is typically one of the library’s quieter spots, today the line of customers threatens to spill into the main halls of the library. Though their problems may differ in content and severity, many will […]
Readers, We’re about three weeks into November, which means it’s been that long since Domestic Violence Awareness Month ended. Sexual assault and domestic violence are issues above all others that should receive more recognition, more attention, and more respect than just the month of October can provide. That’s why I’m bringing it up again, only […]