
Proposed housing policy ousted after public outcry

The tiny campus with a thunderous voice lived up to its reputation yet again. An email sent on Thur Jan. 9 by Wheaton College President Ronald Crutcher stated that the school has decided not to proceed with a housing policy change that would have raised rates for premium living environments.


Wheaton students make a stand for equality at Open Housing Forum

On Tue Feb 7, the Wheaton Housing Fee Forum took place at the Hindle Auditorium with more than 200 students in attendance.


Gluten-Free Girl: living the lifestyle

I bring forth some inspiration this semester to the gluten-free culture on campus.


Chase Hours Unlocked

Chase Dining Complex does not open until 8 a.m. during the weekdays and students who have early courses are often unable to eat before class.


Sober weekend ‘Big Event’ clashes with Superbowl

On Fri. Feb. 3, while most students were getting out of their last class and beginning their weekend preparations for the Superbowl, the Wheaton’s Athletic Mentors (WAMs) kicked off their seventh annual Big Event weekend.


Two-party system disintegrating

Even with Rick Santorum’s three-state caucus sweep last Tuesday, it still does not seem likely that we will see what is often dreamt of by politicos everywhere: a brokered convention, where no candidate receives enough delegates at the national party convention to secure the nomination. What Santorum’s improbable comeback does show, however, is the widening […]

From the Editor

Letter from the Editor

In this New Year I am still astonished that gay marriage is still an issue.


Admissions statistics boast big change

After many years of allowing a January enrollment option to its first year and transfer applicants, Wheaton College has begun phasing out late enrollment. Yet while one program fades in importance, fall applications for the Class of 2016 have yielded unprecedented gains.


What’s Happening: 2/15–2/21/12


After Eleven Years, Ground Zero Revisited

With the recent withdrawal from Iraq, I have been thinking about the beginning of it all, the event that changed the world. As I was strolling through downtown Manhattan in my home of New York City, I passed by Ground Zero with the same frustrated discontent as I had eleven years ago. The desolate abyss […]