
Just Star Stuff

Horoscope signs. Photo from

Aries; March 21 – April 19

Fate Pulled: Four of Wands

The Meaning: It is a time for celebration, for creativity and freedom of expression! Believe in your ability to start on a new path, and celebrate your talents.

Taurus; April 20 – May 20

Fate Pulled: The Magician

The Meaning: Determination, confidence, elemental strength of will! You are a strong person, with things worth saying and ideas that are ready to be brought into reality! Pursue your dreams, with all the bright ambition of a magician.

Gemini; May 21 – June 22

Fate Pulled: Ace of Swords

The Meaning: Success, victory, and a dash of truth! There’s a mountain of experience that you’ve climbed, and now you can look down to see what you’ve accomplished. You know your truth, so live it!

Cancer; June 21 – July 22

Fate Pulled: Two of Swords

The Meaning: Unhealthy, bottled feelings are eating you up – take that as you will, we all have these things that haunt us. Whether from our past, things that are happening, or events that have yet to happen; you can overcome it!

Leo; July 23 – August 22

Fate Pulled: Eight of Swords

The Meaning: Restrictions, feelings of being trapped – free yourself! Focus on the positives, and what you can do, versus what you can’t.

Virgo; August 23 – Sept. 22

Fate Pulled: Ten of Pentacles

The Meaning: Commitment to happiness and confidence – follow this and you’ll have great success in what you do! Half the battle is deciding to let yourself be happy, by doing happy things and surrounding yourself with joy. Give that gift to yourself.

Libra; Sept. 23 – October 22

Fate Pulled: Knight of Wands

The Meaning: Through adventure there comes change, and with the additions of confidence, plus enthusiasm, there’s nothing you can’t do! Believe it; bring to life with intention!

Scorpio; Oct. 23 – Nov 22

Fate Pulled: Six of Pentacles

The Meaning: Giving and receiving, generosity and charity… with these values, you can spread some love. If you have joy, share it. Or, learn to accept the generous love of others.

Sagittarius; Nov. 22 – Dec. 22

Fate Pulled: The Hermit

The Meaning: Reflection, meditation, and time off. You deserve it! The cards say so!

Capricorn; Dec. 22 – Jan 20

Fate Pulled: Six of Swords

The Meaning: Movement, new memories and progress! This is a time for change and development, so give yourself that space to progress forward. Take new experiences head on, with compassion and resilience – they will become those new memories!

Aquarius; Jan. 20 – Feb. 18

Fate Pulled: Six of Wands

The Meaning: There’s victory and achievement in your future! Trust that you’re on the right path, and that you will soon come to know a great success.

Pisces; Feb. 18 – Mar. 20

Fate Pulled: Eight of Wands

The Meaning: Manifest positivity! Dream it, work it, do it, live it! Put your best foot forward to the world, and the world will in turn give its best to you.