Wheaton’s chapter of the Roosevelt Campus Network will be hosting the Eleventh Annual WheaTalks event on April 8 this year. WheaTalks is Wheaton’s annual TedTalk-like event. Roosevelt @ Wheaton describes the event as their attempt to gather the most dynamic and engaging speakers at Wheaton to offer them 10 minutes on stage presenting their bold ideas for a changing world.

WheaTalks 2019 Speakers
“We are super excited to be hosting two guest speakers from the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and USTelecom. The drive and determination that all of our speakers are putting into this event is inspiring to witness and I am so excited to see what students and guest speakers are able to bring to Wheaton and the student body. This is how I got involved with Roosevelt back in my first year giving a WheaTalk myself and now, as President, I feel I have come full circle. We have a very diverse and wonderful array of ideas this year and I hope folks tune in,” said Kyla Goux ’22.
The two guest speakers are Dr. Darshan Goux, the Program Director for American Institutions, Society and the Public Good at the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and Johnathan Salter, President and CEO of USTelecom.
“My presentation is about disordered eating in college students. It discusses what eating disorders and disordered eating are, how they affect college students, and how schools can be better equipped to deal with these issues,” Seamus Flynn ’21, one of the student speakers, told The Wire.
“I will talk about the crimes against humanity perpetrated by the Venezuelan criminal regime and how we (Venezuelans) have been victims of them since the arrival of the Bolivarian Revolution,” said Valery Leon Quintero ’23
“Mr. Hamilton is truly one of the theatrical stars of the coming generation. His experience in dramatic art and thought are sure to guide intellectual consensus in the future, and I’m exceedingly anticipatory of his WheaTalk, where he will finally reveal to all the utility of a degree in dramatics,” said David Palombo ’21, with regard to Ian Hamilton’s talk titled, “Play the Objective, not the Obstacle”
“My talk will plot a course through my theatrical education, and share what pithy nuggets of wisdom I’ve picked up along the way. Hopefully the listener will find something useful as well! On a personal note, I would like to express my remorse that Class Chair David Palombo stepped away from giving a WheaTalk, as I am sure we were all looking forward to yet another overly wordy explanation of a philosophical concept,” said Ian Hamilton ’21.
“The premise of my talk is about the underlying effects of an inadequate Arts education in urban public schools. I intend to inform the community about the value of a high quality Arts curriculum and why it is at risk through an Urban Life Course Lens. Topics I will address are the benefits of a competent Arts curriculum, budget cuts, and urban youth,” said Asaada Craig ‘22
Other student speakers include Candice Appaiah ’21, Anna Barry ’24 and Harrison Zeiberg ’22. A zoom link for the event will be sent out by Roosevelt in the coming weeks.