
Natale ’16: Let’s talk about the Honor Code

This past week, for the Violence Against Women Symposium, I organized a review of the sexual assault and misconduct policy. During our conversations, we began to realize that the sexual assault policy and the Honor Code had something in common: it seemed as though we talked about both at Orientation, and then never again. In […]


Meatless Mondays: A movement all campuses could benefit from

I grew up a picky eater, the kind of kid that never strayed too far from the palatable realm of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, string cheese, and applesauce. Over the years my tastes have certainly changed, but one aspect of my diet has remained consistent: my vegetarianism. While I cannot claim that my choice […]


Wheaton’s disappointing response and participation in Relay for Life

In the late afternoon of Friday, April 4 there was a light sprinkle of rain outside of Haas Athletic Center as friendly faces greeted my teammates and I. Wearing matching blue t-shirts, the Relay for Life 2014 Walk for Cancer committee were so enthusiastic to see Mac Attack in our purple, hand-made shirts from Michael’s, […]


Dickinson ’17: Queer issues are more than marriage

During the weekend of March 29th, I, along with ten other Women’s and Gender Studies majors and Feminist Association of Wheaton (FAW) members, attended the 10th annual National Young Feminist Leadership Conference in Washington D.C. It was a weekend of critiques, empowerment, and more critiques. As an out lesbian and open member of the queer […]


Wheaton Credit Requirements and the Struggle to Stay Relevant

As with many liberal arts colleges, Wheaton claims a specific pride of allowing its students “expand their horizons” and limit course requirements in order to fulfill intensive major and minor requirements. This was something that I had taken completely to heart. I believed the title of a liberal arts school would cure all of my […]


Kowal ’16: Athletics enrich the Wheaton experience, not hinder it

There we were at 5:00 am, groggy, hungry, and cold. We all met at Peacock Pond before the sun had come up to get the waters and equipment ready before our departure for lacrosse practice, because as every athlete knows, early is on-time. The seven of us freshmen hardly said a word as we each […]


Student-athlete reacts to Op-Ed on athletics and academics

If Ms. Grace Kirkpatrick is a NARP, then I must define myself as a non–NARP. But, honestly, I’d rather define myself as a student–athlete of Wheaton. This is a response to her op–ed, “Examining coexistence of sports and academics.” In this op-ed, Kirkpatrick generalized athletics as a whole, failing to see this “dilemma” from both […]


Kirkpatrick ’17 responds to op-ed criticism: “I stand behind what I have said”

I wrote “Examining the coexistence of academics and athletics” not because I thought people would agree; it is an op-ed, not a news article. Rather, I wrote this in order to spark a campus-wide conversation about a topic that I believe people frequently avoid (largely for social reasons). As a sister of a former Wheaton athlete, […]

News Opinion

Examining coexistence of sports and academics

I’m a NARP, a non-athletic regular person.  It’s not something that I thought would really be considered as a defining characteristic in college. After all, though our majors may vary across diverse fields, we are here in a common pursuit of higher education.  However, I have realized that Wheaton, like many other small colleges, is […]


The TRYBE Gala and what its success means for the Wheaton community

Jammed into Weber Theatre like a monstrous pack of a hundred sardines, the anticipation of Wheaton’s annual gala show run by TRYBE, hosted from Thursday, Feb 20 through Saturday, Feb 22, left the audience stirring in their seats. I was glad that we had arrived early, as there were many people waiting or searching for […]