Dear Class of 2017, Welcome to Wheaton. I’m pretty sure you’ve heard that a lot in the past few weeks and by now you’re tired of icebreakers, but let me say it one last time. Hopefully by now, you’re moved in, your schedule is finalized and you know your way around campus. Let me start […]
Category: Opinion
In a Gallup poll published last Friday, public support for U.S. military action in Syria is projected lower than it has been for any recent conflict. Despite increasing evidence that Bashar al-Assad, the embattled President of Syria, used chemical weapons last month against civilians, the American public has been reticent when it comes to attacking […]
Wheaton to pilot summer academic session
Wheaton will introduce an intensive four-week summer session this year, open for enrollment to all Wheaton students, according to a recent campus-wide email from Associate Provost and Professor of Psychology Gail Sahar. The college will be offering four classes, in addition to one brand-new online class: Intensive Review of Basic Spanish, Statistics, Religion and Sexuality […]
Do you ever want to eat something that is healthy, delicious and easy to prepare? Invest in a blender and try making your own delicious smoothie! The blended mixture of fruit and yogurt is yummy, healthy and can serve as a quick meal. Here are some easy smoothie recipes for different moods and ailments. A […]
If there is one thing that Chase and Emerson always have in stock, it’s bananas. In fact, it seems that on many occasions, the dessert sections have been invaded by banana-flavored treats— banana cupcakes, banana muffins, banana pudding, banana cake—and who could blame them? What else are they supposed to do with all of those […]
After four years of sorting through the financial wreckage left behind from the housing bubble, the Department of Justice has decided to bring a five billion dollar civil suit against McGraw-Hill because their rating department, Standard and Poor (S&P), allegedly defrauded investors by giving nearly perfect ratings to subprime mortgage bundles destined to default. In […]
Wheaton Athletic Mentors are pleased to present the Second Annual Student-Athlete Alumnae/i Reception. This reception will take place on February 28, 2013, from 6:30-8:00 pm, in the Davis Spencer Café of the Mars Center for Science and Technology. The goal of this reception is to help facilitate communication and networking among Wheaton’s former and current […]
The letter is undeniably becoming a relic of the past, a trend that has been confirmed by the United States Postal Service’s (USPS) announcement on February 7 that first class mail delivery services will be reduced to five days per week in an effort to scale back the agency’s losses. Like e-books versus physical books, […]
The arts have constantly been a reflective motive on the zeitgeist of humanity. When there is political turmoil in our world, be it revolution, social changes, elections, etc., humans have always used the arts as an element of political persuasion, a type of progressive push towards equality and harmony. Harmony; one of the key structures […]
The night before I was due to return to Wheaton from winter break, I was involved in a head on collision with another driver, who had crossed over to the opposite side of the road. Fortunately, no one in the car was seriously injured. The only thing preventing any extremely serious, potentially fatal, injuries was […]