The Abu Ghraib detention facility, located near Baghdad, Iraq, served as a United States prison for captured Iraqis from 2003-2006, during the Iraq War. The 3,800-detainee prison was the site of numerous human rights abuses during its time of operation; some of which were photographed and became public. The horrifying, outrageous acts of torture committed […]
Category: Opinion
Buckle up, folks, it’s going to be yet another llama and dress article. It’s going to start fun, then get serious, followed by an optomistic ending. Here we go. It seemed a fairly normal end to the week: I was wrapping up some work and getting excited about the release of the new season of […]

Servando Gomez, a school teacher turned powerful drug lord, was arrested in Morelia last Friday. This arrest followed months of work by Mexican Intelligence in the Michoacan region, where Morelia is located. The Mexican police seized Gomez’s properties and arrested many of his associates prior to his arrest. Gomez, also known as ‘El Profe’ (referring […]
Last year the world watched as Venezuela’s socialist government seemed to teeter in March as a result of the student-led anti-government protests. The government sent in tanks to quell the unrest while government supporters provoked street violence and protesters set fires to the streets of Caracas. Student demonstrations, which sparked violent reactions from pro-government gangs, […]
Recently, there has been major debate regarding the word “feminism.” For some, the word is a source of empowerment, yet others find it annoying in spite of not having a strong problem with it. For many, however, the word fills them with rage. “Feminist” was voted the Most Annoying Word of 2014 in a poll […]
I am a God” – perhaps the boldest statement you could make in society today. Kanye West, however, seems to have a penchant for the bold; he proudly proclaims his status as a deity on his most recent studio album, “Yeezus.” This proclamation has followed West, setting him up for a less than glowing reputation […]
Being an Arab is a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, being an Arab ensures having a beautiful language, a diverse religious community and never ending art, music and literature. On the other hand, being an Arab living in Europe or North America (or the Middle East) during the post-September 11th era is […]
A shared sense of anger and revulsion was felt by the majority of Arabs earlier this week after the Islamic State published a video of the execution by burning of Muath Kasasbeh, a young Jordanian pilot. Lt. Kasasbeh’s murder sparked an overall outrage; the Syrian Government denounced ISIS and so did Al-Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood […]
Fun fact: Groundhogs and woodchucks are actually the same animal. Before writing this article, I thought they were two related but separate animals. Of course, you all know the tradition behind Groundhog Day. Punxsutawney Phil, in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, comes out of his burrow on Feb. 2 every year. If he sees his shadow, we get […]
Wheaton College is a very weird place. I think we can all agree on that. It’s a wonderful, weird, very small and unique place. Coming back to Wheaton after being abroad is a uniquely horrible experience; I also think that is something that everyone who has done it can agree on. The transition back to […]