With the combination of the hectic life of a college student and the seeming inescapability of the Wheaton bubble, it can be difficult for students to find the time and resources to vote. As part of a continuing trend from years past, Wheaton’s own Roosevelt Institute has been hoping to change the trend of student […]
Category: Features
This past Saturday, the Lyon’s Den came alive with the help of the Boston based feminist punk band Tomboy. Matched with a tab for students to enjoy and an appearance from Wheaton’s own student band, Mike’s Bakery, the night was a huge success. Over the summer, Jordan Wolfe ’15, the President of Music Co-op, received […]

The Feminist Association of Wheaton hosted a talk on Nov. 3 concerning sexual assault on college campuses. The speaker was Wagatwe Wanjuki, who shared her story as both a survivor and a renowned activist against sexual assault. The presentation was focused on how activists and survivors can use new media and Internet tools to give […]
Letter from the Editor
This year’s midterm elections showed more than ever how much clout large corporations and wealthy individuals have in the democratic process. In my home state of New Hampshire, Senator Jeanne Shaheen defeated former Mass. Senator Scott Brown to retain the seat she gained six years ago — but only by the skin of her teeth. […]
Many student clubs serve as creative outlets for students who need to relieve some of the stress of academic life. The Wheaton College radio, WCCS, is one such club. However, while other clubs on campus are openly planning and advertising for events, the radio station can sometimes go unnoticed due to the voluntary nature of […]
Letter from the Editor
Today I woke up and it was snowing. It must be November. Thankfully, we were blessed with a beautiful week leading up to Halloween and a plethora of exciting Halloween programming thanks to the fact that, gloriously, October 31st fell on a Friday this year. But, now, apparently, it’s time for winter. Leaves will fall […]
Building a healthy and hopeful community
On Oct. 17, the same day as President Hanno’s inauguration, Wheaton honored another leader committed to changing lives and strengthening communities. The Otis Social Justice award was presented to Deogratias “Deo” Niyizonkiza. “Bestowing the award on what is such a festive day for us is a great privilege,” said Provost Linda Eisenmann. Deo narrowly escaped […]
For those of you who didn’t know, Oct. 2 was the birthday of the widely known peaceful political activist Mohandas Gandhi. In celebration of his life, the Anthropology 210 course, Feast or Famine: The Ecology and Politics of Food, put together a dinner and discussion event on his birthday. In Beard Hall students and faculty […]
Last Friday Wheaton had the pleasure of officially celebrating the start of Dennis Hanno’s tenure as Wheaton’s eighth President. As part of the inauguration’s focus on a commitment to service, Deogratias “Deo” Niyizonkiza was selected as the 2014 recipient of the Otis Social Justice Award. I had the pleasure of attending an informal roundtable discussion […]
This just in: it’s beautiful, it tells a story, and it makes your ‘wanna-be-hipster’ even more convincing. Wait for it … it’s a record player. And it is hip hopping its way back into style. The timeless machine (the phonograph) that Thomas Edison first invented in 1877 has become increasingly popular over the past few […]