
Accessibility Services Newest Addition

Autumn Grant is a name that Wheaton College students should become familiar with. She is the newest member of accessibility services here on campus, with a goal “serve the students, the college, the faculty, the staff and to make sure that people’s needs are being met.” Grant has filled a role that had previously only been taken up part time and this is going to bring change on campus.

In the past, Grant has worked at many different types of institutions including StoneHill College, Dean College and most recently Northeastern University. By playing a variety of roles at these institutions such as the director of the Academic Achievements, and by working with an array of different students, Grant has been able to gather bits and pieces and learn the trade to a great extent.

In terms of her work here at Wheaton, Grant says she is still “feeling out the culture and getting a sense of what people need me to do.” The greater permanence of this position has allowed her to be announced to both students and faculty, and created space for continuous meetings with faculty chairs, staff members and student groups.

Just two weeks ago, Grant worked with the committee that put on Diversity Day. Through this, she worked with the Center for Social Justice, SAIL, and The Center for Global Education. Though she is still learning about different groups on campus, she is dedicated to become acquainted with the campus and finding outlets at Wheaton to make change.

Often times, people are not aware that the accessibility services on campus are not limited to those with documented disabilities. Grant says “I believe very much in accessibility services not only being transactional but being an opportunity to build relationships and help students grow.” Her presence serves as a resource for everybody and it is important for students to know that she is here to listen to their issues and that she will address these issues to the best of her ability.

In order to reach Autumn Grant, you could stop by the Filene Center and make an appointment at the front desk. You could also reach her through email at [email protected]. Grant will do her best to meet with students that stop by unannounced if she is not already at a meeting or working with another student.