
Katherine Mooney ‘17 Cooks Award Winning Chili

This past October, Programming Council hosted a Chili Cook-Off. The competitors each cooked a batch of chili using the recipe of their choice, and the judges chose the chili they thought tasted the best. In the end, it was Katherine Mooney ’17, who cooked the award winning chili and came away from the contest with a Samsung Tablet.

Mooney thought that the publicity would end there. However, she was surprised to receive so much attention after the event. “Honestly, I am astonished at what this chili thing has turned into,” she said. “Don’t get me wrong, winning this was among my proudest accomplishments as I rarely win anything.” But the publicity her victory has drawn has been puzzling for Mooney.

A few weeks after the event, a video of Mooney cooking the chili was posted on the Wheaton website with an accompanying article. The recipe, which is from Mooney’s mother, was posted on the website, as well. Her family finds all the attention amusing. “My family has trolled me for several weeks exploiting all the social media content on this subject available,” said Mooney.

All of the publicity culminated in her chili being served in Chase on January 26. “Chase did a great job on the chili; it was delicious,” she said. That being said, I think it is safe to say that Mooney will be relieved when her victory from the cook-off finally leaves the spotlight.