From the Editor

Letter from the Editor

This is it—my last letter as Editor-in-Chief of the Wire. Whoa.

First off, I am thrilled to introduce Alex Butcher-Nesbitt as the next Editor-in-Chief of our paper. Alex will helm the Wire after three years of experience as a writer and editor. He’s an immensely talented journalist and a lovely person, someone who is poised to take the Wire to the next level. I’m so excited for you to get to know him through his letters and his leadership.

Now, it’s time for some thank-yous. I wouldn’t be who I am today without these people.

Thank you to Professor Polanichka, my mentor, my senior advisor, and my friend. You shaped my college experience more than anyone else and perhaps more than you know. I’m sorry I haven’t been around this semester; I’m trying so, so hard to finish strong.

Thank you to Dean Lee Williams, who has consistently made writing these letters fun and interesting. Our back-and-forths were some of the most intellectually stimulating conversations I had at Wheaton.

Thanks to all my friends at Wheaton. Chase Armstrong, you’re one of the best friends I’ve ever had and will ever have. I especially enjoy your devil’s advocate perspective.  On a serious note, you’re a lovely person, very photogenic, and I hope to be living with you in Boston soon. Tom Van Duyne, you’ve been a great friend, NCAA partner, roommate, beer advocate, disturbing/immature song co-lyricist, and ramen expert. Adam Askew, all the concerts and hangouts and night drives and talks have been cathartic and absolutely vital—cheers to many more. Maddie Sullivan, I’m so glad I got the opportunity to meet you (and that you brought the beautiful Colin Coco into my life). You’re amazing, and I’m going to miss you dearly. Tom Bregani, I could talk with you about Neil all day—and I’ve certainly done that more than once. Brian Jencunas, I knew you were right all along. Jenna DeSteph, you’re actually the coolest, and I hope we get to hang out and have a life-changing experience in Mexico very, very soon. Max Glick and Thomas Holmes, I couldn’t pick cooler, more down-to-earth guys to love music with. Brea Davies, thank you for being someone with whom I feel such a natural connection. I miss you, and I also have a letter for you that is long overdue. Tasha Piirainen, Alex Dyck, Brent Landry, Amanda Surrette, Emily Butson, Beka Bryer, Hytham Bakir, Catherine Perkins, Julie Bogen, Meagan Gagnon, Lauren Goddard: I feel so incredibly lucky that I met you and that I moved through college with you as friends. Don’t know what I did to deserve y’all, but I feel blessed. Savannah Tenney, you’ve been a great friend and the most unsung Wire hero imaginable. I know you’re going to do great things, and I can’t wait to watch. Aaron Hoffman, thanks for telling me that you were going to make an awesome band and then proceeding to do just that. George Matthiessen, you are the Green Mario to my Red Luigi. Love you, man. Rachael Blanchard, thank you for showing me just how amazing people can be, and for putting up with my weirdness. And yeah, I did eat your Doritos that one time when I blamed Joey (love you too, Joey). Ryan Dill, I guess you’re pretty cool. As I wrote this, Jenna told me that your mom’s cooking is pretty good. So that’s something. Seriously, you’re the best. Allie Tetreault: we did it. Wire. Blend. Living together. And I’m pretty sure we still love each other (fingers crossed on that). It’s been an honor working with you and a blast being your friend (twin?). Nick Straniere, from handshake partners to perma-freinds. An excellent evolution, no doubt. Teikyo Mowchan: the woods will never be the same. Thanks for helping me so much over these four years.

Thank you to my home. Ginnie Pinard once told me to never forget where I came from (among other mind-blowing things), and that statement has resonated with me in a big way. At first, I wanted to run away from home—I was immature and I didn’t realize just what I had. I soon found out, though, that New Hampshire is the place for me, that I love it and I love all of you from the 603. John Boynton and Taylor Hillsgrove, I couldn’t have picked cooler guys to grow up with. Mike Lambert and James Fournier, you were the best best friends I can possibly imagine having, and I’ll never forget all the sleepovers and the early morning games of manhunt and prom night and all the other stuff frozen in my head forever. Shannon McNaught, we never made it to Antarctica, but our friendship has been amazing and amazingly important to me. Merry Young, I wish we were closer, but I can confidently say that you’re my favorite Pats fan in the history of Pats fans. Mad respect. Everyone else from New Hampshire: thank you for the support and the love. I’m coming home soon.

Thank you to the Blend. You are my family and you all changed my life for the better. So proud of what we’ve accomplished this year. Keep singing, loves.

Thank you to the Wheaton Wire. Working with everyone on this staff has been an honor and a privilege. Keep pushing forward.

Thank you to my family. I have a mom who would do anything to support me, a dad I consider my very best friend, and a sister with whom I share a truly special bond that (thankfully) outlasted the teasing. I love you all.

Finally, thank you, reader. This is the last you will hear from me in this space, but I hope that you keep reading. Until then, best of luck to you, and thank you for your support. This would not have worked without you.

