
Dickinson ’17: The reality of the sophomore slump

Sophomore Slump 2- Ian Opaluch

Disclaimer: The feelings represented in this article are not to be confused with those associated with other serious mental illnesses. If you or someone you know is experiencing depression or any other symptoms, please seek the necessary help.

Do you ever have those days where getting out of bed seems like the last thing on your to-do list? Where your disinterest for all your classes is palpable? Do you ever have the feeling that everything and anything is so unimportant and uninteresting that even the lure of Lyons Bucks cannot get you there? Well, from many conversations with my fellow sophomores, I am not alone in my feelings.

Welcome sophomores, to the “Sophomore Slump.” It has officially hit and can make even the most motivated, overachieving freshman turn into an apathetic lump. But these feelings can change. You CAN rejuvenate yourself and find that motivation inside yourself to push through finals. 

Here are five Buzzfeed-esque tips to cure the Sophomore Slump (or any slump for that matter):

1) Be organized. Deadlines are a serious thing and come by sooner than you like to think. Staying on top of them can help prevent a major stress fest three hours before the assignment is due in the library. Maintaining control of deadlines can be as simple as writing them down. Professors giveout a syllabus at the first class of every semester with most of the major assignments outlined and the due dates highlighted. Writing down these dates wherever you are likely to see them the most can be extremely helpful down the line. 

One trick for me personally to stay organized are to-do lists. Every day I write out my important tasks for the day and my assignments that need to be done. Staying organized is important to regulate stress levels and have some control.

2) Surround yourself with reminders of why you are here. Reminding yourself why you are on campus, studying and participating in activities, can put things into perspective. Whether it be a picture of your family or friends as your phone background, or a goal collage by your desk of things you’d like to achieve or accomplish, having a reminder of why all the stress is worth it in the long run is extremely important. Long-term goals can often get lost in the mundanity of the day to day. 

3) Enjoy the small things. As more things begin to pile on your plate, it’s hard to remember that life is meant to be enjoyable. Take an extra 30 minutes or so and sit down to have a meal and conversation with your friends, or watch an episode of your favorite show on Netflix. These small actions of self-care can reduce stress and anxiety and help you become more focused on the tasks on hand. 

4) Remember it is temporary. All the stress, apathy, and the lack of sleep, will soon make way for six glorious weeks of winter break. Life moves in swells and nothing is constant. So take a deep breath, and push through. The rewards will outweigh the stress. 

5) Coffee exists (or whatever caffeinated, energy boosting thing gets you through). The moment when it becomes inevitable that the only way to get everything done is the pull an all-nighter, coffee will be your best friend. Have a cup and 20-30 minutes later, let your fingers hit your keyboard and go. I, personally, am convinced coffee is a gift from the heavens. 

I understand sophomore year can feel like a sea of “why am I here?” “why are none of these classes sparking my attention?” and “can this semester just be over already?”s , I’m experiencing it as well. But hopefully with these small reminders, the slump will fade away and make way for a new excitement and curiosity. In the end, college is supposed to be enjoyable. Happy final-ing!